
Research is a core principle and ensuring that the methods driving our tech ventures are validated through peer-review. Our publications include papers covering a range of disciplines from ecology to engineering

Peer reviewed science

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Published science
Bioextractive Removal of Nitrogen by Oysters in Great Bay Piscataqua River Estuary, New Hampshire, USA. Estuaries and Coasts 43:23–38
Integrated environmental modelling and assessment of coastal ecosystems, applications for aquaculture management. (2011) Coastal Management, Volume 39.
A multimetric investor index for aquaculture: Application to the European Union and Norway. Aquaculture.
Ecosystem services of geoduck farming in South Puget Sound, USA: a modeling analysis. Aquaculture International.
Ecological carrying capacity for shellfish aquaculture—sustainability of naturally occurring filter-feeders and cultivated bivalves. Journal of Shellfish Research, 37 (3), 1–18.
The role of shellfish aquaculture in reduction of eutrophication in an urban estuary. Environ. Sci. Technol, 52 (1), 173–183.
Accounting for inventory data and methodological choice uncertainty in a comparative life cycle assessment: the case of integrated multi-trophic aquaculture in an offshore Mediterranean enterprise. Int J Life cycle Assessment.
The mass balance of production and consumption: Supporting policy-makers for aquatic food security. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 188, 212-223.
Role of deposit feeders in integrated multi-trophic aquaculture - a model analysis. Aquaculture, 453, 54-66.
Goods and services of extensive aquaculture: shellfish culture and nutrient trading. Aquaculture International, 24 (3), 803–825. DOI 10.1007/s10499-015-9949-9
An integrated ecosystem approach for assessing the potential role of cultivated bivalve shells as part of the carbon trading system. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 518:281-287.
Profiles of paralytic shellfish toxins in bivalves of low and elevated toxicities following exposure to Gymnodinium catenatum blooms in Portuguese estuarine and coastal waters.
Comparative analysis of modeled nitrogen removal by shellfish farms. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 91 (1), 185-190.
Analysis of production and environmental effects of Nile tilapia and white shrimp culture in Thailand. Aquaculture, 447, 23-36.
Ecosystem goods and services from Manila clam culture in Puget Sound: a modelling analysis. Aquaculture Environment Interactions, 5, 255-270.
Modelling of interactions between inshore and offshore aquaculture. Aquaculture, 426–427, 154-164.
Partitioning of paralytic shellfish toxins in sub-cellular fractions of the digestive gland of the cockle Cerastoderma edule: Changes under post-bloom natural conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 104, 365-372.
Good Environmental Status of marine ecosystems: What is it and how do we know when we have attained it? Mar. Pol. Bull., 76, 16-27.
Cultivation of gilthead bream in monoculture and integrated multi-trophic aquaculture. Analysis of production and environmental effects by means of the FARM model. Aquaculture 358–359 (2012) 23–34.
Uptake and release of paralytic shellfish toxins by the clam Ruditapes decussatus exposed to Gymnodinium catenatum and subsequent depuration. Marine Environmental Research 77 (2012) 23-29
Integrated environmental modelling and assessment of coastal ecosystems, applications for aquaculture management. (2011) Coastal Management, Volume 39.
Site selection for shellfish aquaculture by means of GIS and farm-scale models, with an emphasis on data-poor environments(2011) Aquaculture, 318, 444-457.
Overview of eutrophication indicators to assess environmental status within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive(2011) Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 93, 117-131.
Towards an ecosystem approach to aquaculture: assessment of sustainable shellfish cultivation at different scales of space, time and complexity(2011) Aquaculture, 315, 369-383.
Assessment of coastal management options by means of multilayered ecosystem models(2010) Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 87, 43-62.
A dynamic ecological-economic modeling approach for aquaculture management(2009) Ecological Economics, 68, 3007-3017.
Analysis of coastal and offshore aquaculture: application of the FARM model to multiple systems and shellfish species(2009) Aquaculture, 292, 129-138.
Overview of integrative tools and methods in assessing ecological integrity in estuarine and coastal systems worldwide(2008) Marine Pollution Bulletin, 56, 1519-1537.
Integrated environmental modelling and assessment of coastal ecosystems, applications for aquaculture management. (2011) Coastal Management, Volume 39.
Integrated Assessment of Ecosystem-Scale Carrying Capacity in Shellfish Growing Areas(2008) Aquaculture, 275, 138-151.
Trade-offs between shellfish aquaculture and benthic biodiversity: A modelling approach for sustainable management(2008) Aquaculture, 274, 313-328.
Monitoring of coastal and transitional waters under the EU Water Framework Directive(2007) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 135 (1-3), 195-216.
Management of coastal eutrophication: Integration of field data, ecosystem-scale simulations and screening models(2007) Journal of Marine Systems, 56 (3/4), 375-390.
Development of a growth model for penaeid shrimp(2006) Aquaculture, 259, 268-277.
An Integrated Methodology for Assessment of Estuarine Trophic Status(2003) Ecological Modelling, 169(1), 39-60.
A model for sustainable management of shellfish polyculture in coastal baysAquaculture, 219/1-4, 257-277.
EcoWin - An object-oriented ecological model for aquatic ecosystems(1995) Ecological Modelling, 79, 21-34.