FARM Offshore


Carrying capacity. Delivering cutting edge science to the aquaculture industry.

Start Knowing. A cost effective method improve biomass production and water quality.

Sustainability. Advanced carrying capacity techniques in order to address sustainability at the farm scale.

Track Record. Published science, largest portfolio of species and tested in Europe, US, Asia and Africa.

Farm Management. Innovative approach for optimisation of aquaculture biomass production.

Water Quality. Know what impact farm production is having on water quality.

Mass Balance. Get the big picture and know the harvestable biomass, feed usage, and water quality changes in one screen.

Site Production. Aquaculture modelling in order to assist with site selection and production expansion.

Aquaculture modelling determines the sustainable level of production for onshore farms, improving profitability and environmental stewardship. Applying physical, biogeochemical, and screening models to determine the optimal carrying capacity - the greatest sustainable yield of market-sized animals within a given time period. FARM provides a biomass analysis, water quality effect and economic optimisation for aquaculture


  • Innovative and cost-effective approach for optimisation for offshore aquaculture production;
  • Demonstrate sustainability of offshore aquaculture operations;
  • Tool for valuation of nitrogen and phosphorus deposition and removal;
  • Prospective aquaculture site selection.
FARM Outputs


  • Forecast aquaculture production. Stress test carrying capacity scenarios;
  • Know the energy assimilated, biomass production, feed ingested and lost;
  • Allows for biomass calculation under varied growing conditions.
FARM Mass Balance


FARM Paper

FARM paper published in the Aquaculture Journal.

FARM helps offshore and nearshore aquaculture farms produce sustainably, determining harvestable biomass and carrying capacity. FARM provides a production analysis, a water quality analysis and a mass balance analysis.

FARM es un modelo acuicola que permite un enfoque de costo efectivo para optimizar la producción, el análisis de la calidad del agua y la optimización económica de granjas acuicolas costeros y en mar.

FARM ajuda explorações aquícolas no mar a produzirem de forma sustentável, optimizando a produção aquícola, a qualidade da água e os efeitos ambientais no local de cultivo e a componente económica da produção.

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