Longline Environment R&D Collaborative Research

aquaculture Collaborative Research


Longline Environment seeks to undertake and participate in collaborative research projects to tackle water related issues. We look to develop strong ties to research organisations, universities, marine institutes and private enterprise from all geographic regions.

Our research component aims to work with partners to deliver solutions for catchment, bay-scale and farm-scale modelling, focusing on interdisciplinary questions combining expertise in hydrology, oceanography, systems analysis and environmental management.

Key objectives
Improve the sustainability of the environment and associated industries, such as aquaculture and fisheries;
Increase the integration of knowledge across disciplines;
Develop new and improve existing products, simulation models and techniques;
Develop ecological modelling tools for water quality;
Work with the aquaculture/fish farming industry through the use of optimisation models.

Areas of Collaborative Research

Longline seeks to collaborate on research projects with institutions in Europe, United States, Asia, South America and Australasia on a variety of water related projects.

Collaborative research
Aquaculture and fisheries;
Support of marine research and water governance;
Conservation and Sustainable Management of marine resources;
Ecosystem approaches to aquaculture;
Improving sustainability of the aquaculture industry;
Coastal Zone Management;
Coupling of ecological approaches with resource economics.

Scientific Collaborators

Our staff have collaborated with numerous institutions from around the world in a variety of different research contexts. Some of the institutions from previous collaboration research projects include:

Institution Country
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) United States
Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) United Kingdom
Portsmouth University United Kingdom
EU Joint Research Centre Italy
Venice University Italy
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) South Africa
Gothenburg University Sweden
Ocean University of China China
Xiamen University China
Ningbo University China
FIO China

If you would like to know more about Longline or discuss any research opportunities please send an email to info@longline.co.uk.

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